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U.S. government offers Federal apprenticeship programs
Elevator constructor apprenticeship provides entrée into high-paying, but competitive, skilled trade career
A pre-apprenticeship program offers entry into the carpentry and electrician trades
Rob Allen leaves prison for new life as a tattoo-free union plumber
San Francisco foundation helps ex-offenders gain apprenticeships
Study shows how business apprenticeship programs can benefit companies and increase job opportunities
Why ex-offenders should consider entering an apprenticeship program
ApprenticeshipUSA grants to increase apprenticeship programs
New guide helps manufacturers create apprenticeship programs
Pre-apprenticeship programs provide career path entry
Pre-apprenticeship programs offer opportunities to ex-offenders
Ban the Box
ESR offers Ban the Box resources that can help employers meet the challenge of compliance
Philanthropic leaders challenge foundations to ban the box
Target Corp. bans the box on employment applications
Ban the box gains victory at Oakland Army Base redevelopment project
Efforts to “ban the box” continue
The U.S. Dept of Education’s Take Charge of Your Future guide can help you learn how to get the education you need to succeed
GEDWorks gives employers chance to offer valuable benefit: a high school equivalency credential
Apply to become a member of From Prison Cells to PhD’s next P2P program cohort and learn how to gain access to a college education
A Google Career Certificate may be the key to finding a job
Berkeley Underground Scholars find systemic policy changes, not necessarily higher education, is key to ex-offender hiring success
Eric Gentry helps community college programs provide pathway to reentry
Manpower employment agency offers new GED program to qualified workers
Free online courses can help you improve your basic knowledge and skills
New federal pilot project restores Pell Grants for prisoners
Career Online High School offers education at local libraries
Is a college degree necessary to get a good job?
Back on Track LA receives Second Chance Act funding
Project Rebound helps formerly incarcerated get college education
Struggle to restore federal Pell Grants to inmates continues
Education for Inmates
UC Irvine’s LIFTED program offers B.A. degrees to students who are incarcerated
Luci Harrell becomes Georgia’s first incarcerated law school student
Indiana inmate creates job search PowerPoint presentation
Jails to Jobs’ book in every New South Wales, Australia prison
What makes a good prison library
California expands college opportunities for inmates
Jails to Jobs launches books to prison libraries program
WiderNet Project brings online resources to correctional facilities
Blackstone helps inmates prepare for a legal career while in prison
How to hire health care workers from a unique population – those with criminal records
Root & Rebound publishes toolkit to enlighten employers on the value of hiring ex-offenders
No. 1 way employers find new employees to hire
Council of State Governments helps lower employment barriers
Council of State Governments creates Pathways to Prosperity
Root and Rebound guides employers in hiring the formerly incarcerated
LinkedIn group debates effectiveness of using employer hiring lists
Public libraries create small business entrepreneurship incubator programs for those who have been incarcerated
How to start a cell phone repair business
Want to start your own small business? Organizations offer free help to get you started
SBA Small Business Learning Center provides resources for starting a small business
Seth Sundberg used incarceration experience to create Prison Bars
Defy Ventures expands CEO of Your New Life program
Consider an eBay business as an alternative to a regular job
Shoe repair business offers career opportunity for ex-offenders
Defy Ventures program graduate launches internet business
Stanford law student helps female ex-offenders launch businesses
The Pentorship Program encourages entrepreneurship among inmates
How to find the funds to be able to start a small business
Think outside the box: Find success by starting your own business
Texas program fosters inmate entrepreneurs
Interview Tips
Practicing interview questions through a mock interview can lead to success in a job search
Things you need to bring to an interview that will help you get hired
Dealing with typical interview questions
How to deal with ghosting in a job interview
How to create a turnaround talk to convince employers to hire you
Tips on how to succeed in a video job interview
How formerly incarcerated job seekers can create a turnaround packet that will impress potential employers
Using proper body language in an interview can help you get the job
How to make an elevator pitch memorable
If you have a criminal record and are looking for work, don’t ever give up
How to negotiate the salary or wage you think you deserve
A unique approach to handling a job interview over lunch
How to get an interview by offering to help hiring managers solve their problems
Five pre-interview confidence builders that may help you get the job
How to dress for an interview and for success at work
The importance of a handshake in a job interview
References may be key to helping ex-offenders find a job
Determining the best final question to wrap up an interview
Informational interviews can prove effective in job search
Job Search Tips
Developing good habits can lay the foundation for success
Ten tips for better sleep during your job search and beyond
How to implement job search goals and find work that’s right for you
Twelve tips on how to stay motivated during your job search
How to handle stress in your job search and your life
Fifteen tips to help you learn how to focus during your job search
How to learn your character strengths and use them to improve your life and your job search
For greater success, start your job search with an interest assessment
How to research companies when looking for a job
Learn how to find and apply for federal jobs
The importance of letters of recommendation in a job search and how to request them
Realistic job advice for those in reentry
How to get things done — and find a job
How a job search support team can help you find work
How to use co-coaching effectively in your job search
What you post on social media can keep you from getting a job
Cold calling your way to a job
Why you might want to consider working for a small business
All Star Labor & Staffing proves value of employment agency
Don’t forget to write job interview thank you notes
Use job shadowing technique to explore opportunities firsthand
Richard Bolles outlines What Color is Your Parachute’s key principles
Ten Reasons why you should search for a job in December
Job search tactics: Getting to the hiring manager
Clean Slate reveals secrets of how ex-felons can find jobs
Job club can help put those in reentry on path to employment
As a job seeker with a criminal record, you are not alone
Holiday season can be one of the best times to search for a job
Jobs for felons expert’s four-step process improves interview results
Using prison experience to sell yourself in employment interviews
Instead of resume use JIST card to highlight strengths, downplay gaps
Power pose can help improve your job search and interview odds
Job seeker success stories show out-of-box thinking style required
Protecting your privacy on Facebook
Jerry Seinfeld’s advice works for job seekers
Job Search Tools
Career Planning for People with a Criminal Conviction website and workbook offers a resource for those in reentry
CareerOneStop website can help you find a job
Individuals incarcerated in jails and prisons can now access the Honest Jobs employment platform
Honest Jobs helps formerly incarcerated job seekers find employment and companies become second chance employers
Inspired employment search lands 59-year-old Mary Wixson a job
Son of What Color is Your Parachute author Richard Bolles expands his father’s work with eParachute
Step Ahead offers job search help for ex-offenders, encourages them to discover their work options
Career OneStop video library offers insight into jobs and industries to help you decide a career path
Richard Bronson created job search engine 70millionjobs.com to help ex-offenders find employment
New Beginners Job Search Handbook offers unique tips to ex-offender job seekers
Jails to Jobs creates a new job search training toolkit for those who want to help ex-offenders find employment
Use My Next Move to explore a multitude of job opportunities
Jails to Jobs book out on Amazon
New Career One Stop site provides help for ex-offender job seekers
New job board for ex-offenders and people who want to hire them
Career Sonar: a new tool to tap your social network for jobs
Make researching options first step in job search with these sites
Job Training
Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation operates TRF Second Chances Program to teach those incarcerated how to work with horses
GAF offers a free one-week training course that can result in a job as a roofer — no formal education or experience required
The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation’s HOPES program provides job opportunities to those in reentry
Becoming an appliance repair technician offers opportunities for those with technical skills
CellBotics president gives incarcerated and reentry students skills to launch cell phone repair business
Driving a garbage truck can provide good pay, benefits and steady work for ex-offenders
CalPIA Case Planning Project created to help prepare inmates for employment
State departments of vocational rehabilitation provide job training, education, other services
S.F. Bay Area philanthropist Matt Mochary sends ex-offenders to truck driving school
On-the-Job training offers funds for employers to hire ex-offenders
STEM training can lead to science, technology and engineering jobs
CalPIA trains prisoners to enter workforce upon release
Job Training Nonprofits
Brooklyn-based Refoundry trains ex-offenders to create home furnishings out of discarded materials
Together We Bake cooks up recipe for reentry success
Drive Change food truck biz trains formerly incarcerated youth
Texas nonprofit hires ex-offenders to build houses for veterans
San Francisco Bay Area group delivers doula training program
Wisconsin prison timebank creates safety net, opportunities
L.A. Kitchen cooks up program for training older ex-offenders
NEW finds success in placing women in trade union jobs
Building boats helps youth offenders build confidence and job skills
The Bread Project rises to offer new opportunities to ex-offenders
Horticulture programs help ex-offenders seek successful reentry
Horticultural programs provide therapy and job preparation
Jobs That Don't Require a College Degree
Auto glass technician jobs offer employment to those interested in working on cars
Electrical power line installer and repairer jobs provide employment opportunities and high salaries.
Grounds maintenance may be a good job choice for people who want to work outdoors and advance to a higher position
How to work remotely as a customer service rep
Work on farms and ranches may offer unique opportunities for those in reentry
Consider some of these hot jobs that don’t require a college degree
The Commonwealth of Virginia issues Stand Tall executive order to support reentry success and prevent recidivism
States continue to loosen occupational licensing law restrictions for those with criminal records
New California law — Assembly Bill No. 2147 — helps inmate firefighters gain employment once released
Inability to obtain occupational licensing helps prevent ex-offenders from getting jobs
Illinois and New Hampshire laws aid victims of human trafficking
Reauthorization of Second Chance Act can help reduce recidivism
Money Management
First Step Alliance creates proposed credit union geared toward unbanked, including returning citizens
The FDIC’s Money Smart online course can help returning citizens learn to deal with their finances
Learn how to manage your money by taking a free online course offered by Goodwill
MIT Living Wage Calculator can help determine how much money you will need for life in various U.S. cities
Learning money management can improve chances for success
If you’re looking for a new employment opportunity, check out some of the nation’s fastest growing jobs
Code Tenderloin founder Del Seymour helps ex-offenders learn job skills and discover how to reclaim their dignity
The 2020 Census is hiring thousands of workers nationwide
Looking for work? Here’s where the jobs will be
Flipping cars can provide a little extra cash or become a viable business
U.S. Postal Service hires job seekers with criminal records
Call center work offers growing number of opportunities
Heavy equipment operator jobs provide option for ex-offenders
Milk Not Jails promotes dairies, opens minds, helps ex-offenders
S.F. Bay Area labor shortage offers ex-offenders opportunities
World Smile Day highlights the benefits of smiling
How to gain control if you’re feeling overwhelmed
Developing resilience can help ex-offenders deal with the challenges they face upon leaving prison
Using Three Good Things technique can increase happiness, decrease depression and improve job search
World Kindness Day reminds us how to behave benevolently
InnerCity Weightlifting offers at-risk young people new life
Three simple tips job seekers can use to cultivate ways to be happy
Resilience training can help improve well being, job search
Use improv theater tactics to boost confidence and job search skills
How to handle rejection in your job search: A unique approach
How to develop a positive attitude that will improve your job search
Comedy fosters confidence, helps inmates deal with stress
Emphasizing strengths can help ex-offenders find employment
Kindness can help you in your job search and your life
Reentry 2030 initiative aims to improve outcomes for those leaving prison in participating states across the U.S.
Mapping Your Future published by the Education Justice Project at the U of I offers excellent advice for reentry
Kevin Poppen offers excellent job search advice from prison
Reentry simulation educates participants on what it’s like to come out of prison
Research and Studies
EMR/EHR software for Laser Tattoo Removal, our #1 pick and research
Skills gap among job seekers means those who have the skills will be the ones hired
Recent research on how ex-felons find success in the military could have implications for private employers
Good Jobs Project highlights jobs without a B.A.
ACLU report lauds benefits of hiring ex-offenders
CareerBuilder survey highlights job interview mistakes and what to watch out for
Northwestern University study finds ex-offender job retention rates longer than those without records
RAND Corp. study calls for greater attention to inmate education
Survey shows companies look beyond criminal record in hiring
St. Louis Federal Bank highlights best job search technique
Medical study proves relaxation techniques reduce stress
CareerBuilder surveys employers on their hiring of ex-offenders
MDRC/DOL study tests effectiveness of employment programs
Second Chance Hiring
Jails to Jobs launches Second Chance Hiring Toolkit for Employers to unlock hidden talent
Workforce revolution: RAND research proves the value of second chance employment
U.S. Chamber of Commerce offers two new second chance employment resources for businesses
SHRM’s self-assessment tool can help companies create a second chance hiring program tailored to their needs
Jails to Jobs Second Chance Employers Network continues to grow
Ten reasons to hire individuals who were formerly incarcerated
Individuals who were previously incarcerated are eligible for most federal jobs, and U.S. Dept. of Labor workshop explains how to apply
U.S. Rubber Recycling employs psychiatric rehabilitation counselor to help second chance employees succeed
The Manufacturing Institute releases its Second Chance Hiring Toolkit for Local Communities to help manufacturers hire talent
Prison Fellowship, the National Reentry Resource Center and Better Together create events in honor of Second Chance Month
How second chance applicants can find a job working for the Federal government
Job search site 70 Million Jobs closes down
Jails to Jobs creates Second Chance Employers Network
White House increases second chance opportunities for those who have been incarcerated
Crossroads Solar combats climate change and offers second chances
How to begin a second chance hiring program and find dedicated employees
Kelly Services office staffing company launches Kelly 33 second chance hiring initiative
The Dave’s Killer Bread Foundation Second Chance Corporate Cohort Program helps companies become second chance employers
U.S. Rubber Recycling Inc.’s Bounce Back! program offers employment to formerly incarcerated job seekers
The Manufacturing Institute launches new Office Hours program to encourage second chance hiring
The Manufacturing Institute helps employers establish second chance hiring practices
Jeffrey Korzenik lays out a blueprint for second chance hiring in his new book
Kelly Services and HSRM surveys highlight the value of workers with criminal records
Fair Chance Project identifies employer solutions to unemployment among those with criminal records
MOD Pizza finds strength as second chance employer
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation report highlights second-chance employment
RAND Corp. research finds incentives can encourage hiring of workers with nonviolent felony convictions
Commercial motor coach companies offer employment opportunities for ex-offenders
Getting Talent Back to Work initiative encourages companies to hire those with criminal records
30-2-2 programs encourage companies to hire ex-offenders
Knife Skills film highlights previously incarcerated employees at Edwins restaurant in Cleveland
Humboldt County (Calif.) works with Dave’s Killer Bread Foundation on Humboldt Second Chance Program
Dave’s Killer Bread Foundation’s Second Chance Summit tackles ex-offender employment issues
Uber CEO offers second chance to those with criminal records
Hot Chicken Takeover improves lives of those in reentry
Dave’s Killer Bread helps create second chance employers
S.F.’s Cala restaurant gives second chance to those in reentry
Oakland employer reaches out to hire ex-offenders
Rubicon Bakery says employees with barriers prove to be an asset
I Have a Bean created to hire ex-offenders
Dave’s Killer Bread is inspiration for ex-felons
Skills Training
Career catalyst: Adecco employment agency offers free Aspire Academy training program to help temp workers improve their skills
Accenture provides free online courses in its Skills to Succeed Academy
Learn nonviolent communication in a free online course
How to build confidence and improve your job search and your life
Effective communication skills can be key to job search success
Learn how to be more charismatic from Richard Reid, aka Mr. Charisma
Learn how to develop soft skills – they can help you get and keep a job
Former inmate Alicia Brown develops empowerment program to help those in reentry succeed
Highlighting soft skills can be key to getting a job
Maritime industry offers opportunities to ex-offenders
Exoffenders.net creates free WordPress tutorial
Prison Toastmasters clubs teach skills useful for job search
Irvine’s One Stop Toastmasters Club helps job seekers develop skills
Success Stories
Successful reentry: Josh Nowack has created opportunities for himself and others
Successful reentry: Kamarlo “Marlo da Motivator” Spooner has created a career in trucking and real estate
Libraries provide invaluable reentry resources, and former librarian Enrique Rivera used them wisely
Alicia Wells inspires others who’ve been incarcerated and addicted to succeed in life
Antonio Reza helps pave way for formerly incarcerated who want to become lawyers
From inmate to Leavenworth mayor: An inspiring story of a man who made a unique journey
Life after prison: Master guitar maker decides to tell his story
Blackstone Career Institute changed life of former inmate
Vanderbilt students design Triple Thread Apparel to train ex-offenders
Support Services
Retiring Homeboy Industries CEO Tom Vozzo reflects on his leadership journey
From prisons to youth centers: Starting book clubs inside
Public libraries provide invaluable services to those incarcerated and in reentry that will help them improve their lives
County jail provides free access to tablet computers as part of the first program of its kind in the U.S.
Homeboy Industries’ Father Greg Boyle believes providing healing is more important than just providing jobs
Gatekeepers founder Bill Gaertner launches mentoring program for ex-offender job seekers
Career Coaches take job search help to all corners of Tennessee
Memphis Public Library bus offers unique service to job seekers
Tattoo Removal
Erasing stigma: Medical researchers validate tattoo removal as important healthcare service
New studies focus on tattoo removal in people of color who were formerly incarcerated or gang members
Unveiling the silent scars: Victims of sex trafficking and intimate partner violence deal with trauma from forced tattoos
Southwest Tattoo Removal Program offers free tattoo removals in San Antonio, Texas
EMR/EHR software for Laser Tattoo Removal, our #1 pick and research
TakeTatt and ReversaTatt offer free tattoo removals in Ohio and Florida as part of unique business model
Two women offer free tattoo removals
How doctors can increase their practice’s business by offering free tattoo removals to qualified patients
How nurse practitioners, physician assistants and registered nurses can increase their practice’s business by offering free tattoo removals to qualified patients
Victims of sex trafficking can now get their branding tattoos removed for free through New Beginnings program
Astanza Laser offers support to nonprofits that want to create free or low-cost tattoo removal programs
Tattoo artists can increase their business by offering tattoo removal services
Free tattoo removal services expand to Nebraska, thanks to Blanca Mejia and Generation Diamond
Removery’s Ink-nitiative offers free tattoo removal services to qualified applicants
OTM Skin creates tattoo removal program for parolees and trafficked women
Who can operate a laser and remove tattoos? Here’s how to find that out and more
How to buy a used tattoo removal laser device
California expands funding for prison tattoo removal program
How to Create a Mobile Tattoo Removal Program That Fits Your Budget
New documentary D’Inked takes viewers into brave new world of laser tattoo removal
Donate your used tattoo removal laser device to Jails to Jobs
Redemption Ink partners with Jails to Jobs to get more tattoo shops involved with tattoo removal
Photographer Steven Burton helps ex-gang members see effects of tattoo removal and publishes book, Skin Deep
Tattoo removal: The view from a former warden of the Supermax Federal Prison
Group of Kentucky friends creates free tattoo-removal program for ex-offenders
Denver area teacher creates TattooEmergency911 mobile tattoo removal business to benefit juvenile offenders
New book outlines how to create a tattoo removal program
Laser device company assists free and low cost tattoo removal efforts
Tattoo artist Jeff Goyette helps others learn tattoo removal
Travis County Jail launches pre-release tattoo removal program
New Skin launches campaign to remove tattoos in 10 cities
Oregon Youth Authority expands tattoo removal program
Chicago-area tattoo removal organization creates mobile unit
Jails to Jobs writes how-to-create-a-tattoo-removal-clinic manual
San Pablo, Calif. program removes tattoos, instills job search skills
Dawn Maestas removes tattoos to help people find employment
Jails to Jobs creates directory of U.S. tattoo removal facilities
Tattoo removal can be first step in ensuring job search success
One more reason why not to get a tattoo – they may contain bacteria contaminated ink
Warning: Two new studies show that getting a tattoo can be hazardous to your health
Study finds visible tattoos prevent women from getting jobs and, if hired, lead to lower starting salaries
National Gang Center Newsletter focuses on gang tattoos
New NYU survey finds adverse physical reactions to tattoos
Kaitlyn Harger researches how visible tattoos affect recidivism
Baltimore nonprofit teaches tattoo cover up techniques
Is a tattoo right for you? Facing the dangers of tattooing