Working with people in reentry

Working with people in reentry requires special knowledge and contacts. Fortunately there are many resources out there that job developers who are involved with this population can access.
Here are some of them, but it’s by no means a complete list: – Sells job search and employment related books and materials for employment program staff working with people in reentry.
Federal Bonding Program – Organization that has resources for the bonding of people in reentry.
Job Accommodation Network – Facilitates the employment and retention of workers with disabilities by providing information on job accommodations, entrepreneurship and related subjects. It publishes JAN’s Workplace Accommodation Toolkit, a free online resource for employers who want to create more disability-inclusive workplaces.
Legal Action Center – Provides information on policy, advocacy and resources related to removing systemic barriers to employment for people in reentry and employment discrimination.
MDRC – A major evaluator of employment programs, including those serving people in reentry.
National Employment Law Project – Has published the Healthcare Employer Guide to Hiring People with Arrest and Conviction Records: Seizing the Opportunity to Tap a Large, Diverse Workforce.
National H.I.R.E. Network – The National Helping Individuals with criminal records Re-enter through Employment (H.I.R.E.) Network is a national organization working to improve employment opportunities for people in reentry.
National Youth Employment Coalition – The major clearinghouse for information on youth employment, including, but not limited to, reentry youth.
Office of Disability Employment Policy – The major clearinghouse for government information on employment of people with disabilities.
Robbin and Associates – Larry Robbin, executive director, brings over 45 years of experience in workforce development to his staff training and management consulting business. He is widely regarded as a national expert on many aspects of workforce development, including new ways to help people in reentry get hired, and job retention for people in reentry. Larry has trained more than 100,000 people in workshops in every state in the nation and presented at more than 500 workforce conferences.
US Department of Justice Reentry Site – A major clearinghouse for information on reentry. The publications section lists a lot of good reports. Also links for people in reentry to find resources.