Now that you have the interview, here’s what to do

In preparing for an interview, begin by thinking about a time when you felt most secure and at the top of your game, or imagine what that might feel like. Get in the mindset that you are an excellent candidate for the job and will get it. Right before practice what is known as a power pose, which will give you a boost of confidence.
Prepare to be successful
There are a few other things that will help build your confidence:
Dress for success – Research the company where you’re interviewing to get an idea of the employee dress style and dress a bit above that. Wear something that you know looks good on you. If you can’t afford interview attire, try to find an organization in your area that will supply you with free professional clothing. And don’t forget. The most important thing you can wear is a smile. (There’s research to back up this claim.)
Get a pep talk – Ask a close friend or relative to call you a few hours before the interview to say some good things about you. Encourage them to tell you what your strong points are, the reasons that you’re an excellent candidate for the job, and why they should hire you.
Rehearse, rehearse and rehearse some more – There are few things that will give you more confidence than being prepared for an interview. Practice the way you will introduce yourself to the hiring manager in front of a mirror. Search the Internet for job interview questions, and rehearse the answers out loud. Research the company where you’re applying so you understand what they do and can tailor your answers accordingly.
Remind yourself that you were chosen – Don’t forget that you were selected to be considered for the job. Out of those who have applied, the hiring manager believes that you are a viable candidate for serious consideration. Keep this fact in mind. It can be the best confidence booster of all.
Here are some additional tips:
- Always begin the interview by thanking the interviewer for the opportunity to be interviewed. Politeness opens a lot of doors.
- If anyone offers their hand, make sure that your handshake is firm and confident.
- Provide short answers to hard questions and long answers to easy questions. Focus more time on the things you want to talk about.
- Prepare and practice answers for tough questions you think they might ask.
- Steer the conversation to what your strengths are.
Come prepared with questions, such as “Why did the person who had this job before leave? What in the end is most crucial for you to be happy with me if I get this job? What would you like me to accomplish in the first couple of weeks on the job?”
It’s extremely important to keep in mind that the words you use are just a small part of the way you communicate. It is said that the impression you make is based just 7% on the actual words you use and 38% on the tone, pitch, volume and rate of your speech and 55% on your body posture, clothing, facial expressions and gestures. Yes, body language matters. This includes making eye contact, having good posture and remembering to smile. Paying attention to body language will likely set you apart from other job candidates.
How to enjoy the interview and land the job
Although interviews can be stressful, they certainly don’t have to be. Concentrate on creating a relationship with the hiring manager and showing them your enthusiasm and passion. And you may be surprised at the outcome.
Follow these tips to be sure that the interview is successful.
- Make the hiring manager like you. Make sure that by the time you leave the room, you’ve found a way to make the person like you. Make a personal connection.
- Find a reason to care about the hiring manager. Do your homework in advance. Check out their profile on LinkedIn and Facebook to see where they’ve worked and what their interests are. Try to draw out the stories of their life that make them human. It’s said that when you connect with them, and start to like them, they’ll start to like and care about you.
- Show them your passion. Display passion for the job you’re interviewing for. Passion and charisma go a long way. Carefully research the company beforehand, and figure out how you can benefit the company and help the hiring manager solve their problems.
- Tell PAR (Problem Approach Resolution) stories related to your skills. Tell each story in 30 to 60 seconds. These can be from a job or volunteer position and demonstrate how you are a problem solver. They include the Problem you faced, the intelligent way you Approached it, and its positive Resolution. Hiring managers are not used to hearing PAR stories, but telling them can help move you to the top of the stack and can be effective in resumes too.
- Traffic-Light Rule for when it is your turn to talk. The first 30 seconds, the light is green, and the hiring manager is paying attention. The second 30 seconds, the light is yellow, and the hiring manager may think you are rambling or is concerned they will forget what they want to say next. The third 30 seconds, or 90 seconds into your answer, the light is red, and it is time to shut up if you are still talking.
- Unless the job is not of interest to you, always, always ask for the job at the end of the interview. In the language you feel comfortable using, you need to close the sale. If the hiring manager says something to the effect of “We’re still in the interview process until ’date,’” say “May I follow-up with you on ’date’ if I have not heard from you?” You want to come from a place of confidence and never sound desperate.
Interview Cheat Sheet and notes at the interview
An organization called Cancer and Careers has created an excellent form to help you in your job search. Their Interview Cheat Sheet lets you put all your strengths on paper so that you will have something to refer to in the interview.
Bringing notes to your interview is considered acceptable by most hiring managers. Not only do your notes help to calm your nerves during an interview and offer a reminder of the key points to cover, they can also serve to show your preparedness and professionalism. Bullet points and short phrases as reminders can all be useful. And asking good questions can help to make a favorable impression with the hiring manager. Having things written down means there’s less you have to remember.
Video Interviews
During the earlier days of the Coronavirus, most companies began to interview candidates by video conference. Many companies have continued to use this method due to the convenience and efficiency that it offers. Especially in the initial stages of the interview process. There are special things to consider when planning to do a video interview, and you can find out about them here.