Help with new entry

Organizations to help with your New Entry

Career One Stop, now known as American Job Center, has created Job Search Help for Ex-offenders, an excellent resource to help anyone who has a record find a job. This website is basically a one-stop shop for just about everything one would need to know about looking for a job, with tips and advice on how to find one.

East Bay Works: American Job Center – Reentry services for ex-offenders. There are other Careeronestop locations with similar services.

Goodwill Academy: East Bay Program – Other Goodwill locations have similar programs.

San Francisco Reentry Council – Coordinates local efforts to support adults exiting San Francisco County Jail, San Francisco juvenile justice out-of-home placements, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation facilities, and the United States Federal Bureau of Prison facilities.

Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice – A variety of resources including job development, job placement and an annual job fair.

Prison Talk – Prison information and family support community. Has a lot of information.

National Hire Network– Listing of state-specific and governmental agencies and community-based organizations to assist people with criminal records, practitioners, researchers, and policy makers.

Prison Fellowship – Emphasizes meeting both spiritual and practical needs to help ex-offenders stay strong in their faith and successfully clear the re-entry hurdles.

America Works – America Works has gained national recognition for its no-nonsense, entrepreneurial approach to moving hard-to-place individuals into private industry. If we can’t transition welfare recipients, ex-offenders and other unemployed candidates into the workforce, we don’t get paid! Oakland Residency Required.

The California Reentry Council Network – Exists to improve services and outcomes for the formerly incarcerated and thereby reduce criminal recidivism and increase public safety.

Swords to Plowshares

(Veterans Only)

San Francisco Office:
1060 Howard St, San Francisco, CA 94103
415-252-4788 ask for Employment & Training

Oakland Office:
1433 Webster St, Oakland, CA
510-891-8773 x 323
Ken Crawford

Provides a full continuum of care. We help vets, as well as families of vets, in the following areas:

Health & Social Services – Swords to Plowshares’ drop-in center provides emergency shelter, mental health services and referrals to homeless veterans.

Housing – Swords to Plowshares’ residential programs provide housing, rehabilitation and counseling to veterans in need.

Employment & Training – Through direct training and job referrals, Swords to Plowshares helps veterans re-enter the workforce.

Veterans Academy – At Swords to Plowshares’ Veterans Academy, formerly homeless veterans can live in a supportive community.

Legal – Swords to Plowshares’ legal department provides free attorney representation and advocacy to veterans seeking benefits.

Employment Specialists – Resources for Employment programs working with Ex-offenders immediate needs.