Practicing interview questions through a mock interview can lead to success in a job search

mock interview

Being interviewed by a potential employer can be the most stressful step in the job search process for many people.

But how about you?

Are you worried that the hiring manager might ask you a question – or several questions – you’re not prepared to answer? Do you think you might not come across as confident as you should be? Does the thought of an interview keep you awake at night?

These are no doubt valid concerns. But there’s one solution to your fears. Practice. Practice. And practice some more.

Put together a list of interview questions that you are likely to be asked, and prepare the answers. Write them down, if you must. But be sure to practice them enough that the answers will sound genuine and come out naturally, as if you’re having a normal conversation. (Even though, you might think, an interview is far from normal conversation.)

Practice is the key using a mock interview platform

The importance of practice can’t be overestimated. But how do you practice?

There are several ways, actually. Ask a friend, maybe someone who’s looking for a job as well, to ask you those questions and get their response to how you answer them.

Another way, which is more high-tech and allows you a chance to see how you come across, is to do a mock interview. And there are several websites that make that possible. Although most of the mock interview websites are geared toward high tech jobs at companies like Google, Apple and Microsoft, we’ve found a few that are more general. Each is a bit different, so check these out to see which one you may want to try.

My Interview Practice – This website creates mock interviews for 120 different jobs in a wide variety of industries that range from accounting and construction to information technology and public safety. Most of the jobs are professional positions like mechanical engineer, software developer, paralegal and supply chain logistics manager. But the site also includes mock interviews for jobs like carpenter, electrician, bank teller, receptionist, fire fighter and sales associate.

You’ll need a computer or mobile device with a camera and microphone to participate. After you record your interview, you can play it back to see how you came across. And from watching how you answered each question, you can learn how to improve your presentation.

In addition to the questions related to the jobs listed, there’s a feature on the site that allows you to build an interview with your own questions. My Interview Practice also offers an online video course on how to ace an interview.

There is a cost to this service, however. Although one practice interview is free, you’ll have to pay after that. The basic price is $49 for one month. If you sign up for a longer period, the price per month goes down.

StandOut – StandOut is a similar mock interview site that is used by many college students looking for their first job. After selecting an interview, it asks you questions and records as you answer, so you can play them back. The service costs $29 per month or $69 for three months.

Huru – Huru works a bit differently. After downloading this app to your smartphone or computer, you can either choose a type of job or select a specific job listing from any of the popular job boards, including LinkedIn, Indeed, Monster and ZipRecruiter. It will then ask you questions and, using AI, will give feedback on your answers and how to improve them. The price: $24.99 per month or $99 per year.

Barclay’s LifeSkills Virtual Interview Practice – This tool was created by Barclay’s Bank as part of its LifeSkills program. It’s geared toward young people just starting their first jobs. And it’s free. Once you sign up, you can choose from different industries or select the general questions option. The tool only does voice recordings – no video – or participants can write down their answers.

For those who feel they need to improve their interview skills – and nearly everyone does, trying one of these mock interview sites might be the key to successfully doing so.

Role playing with friends provides another option

And remember, especially if money is tight, role playing with acquaintances, friends and family members can be just as effective as any of the virtual mock interview online offerings. Here are some interview tips that we suggest.  We encourage you to look them over to see what can be incorporated into your mock interview role play. 

And of course, for anyone with prior justice system involvement, we suggest putting together and utilizing a turnaround talk. The purpose of this “talk” is to tell the truth about your conviction and to emphasize that you’re not the same person you used to be and that you have turned your life around.

And the evidence is displayed in the turnaround packet you put together. You want to share with the hiring manager that you were previously incarcerated before they discover it in a background check on their own. Because if you don’t bring it up, your character and credibility may be questioned, and the chance of receiving a job offer is unlikely. And remember, you can always take notes and other things that will help you get hired into an interview. Good luck with your job interview preparation. Don’t take it too seriously, and have some fun with the process.

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