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Are you a dermatologist, plastic surgeon or other physician who offers laser tattoo removal services and would like to increase business through free publicity — and serve your community at the same time?
Here’s how.
Offer free tattoo removal procedures to those in reentry, ex-gang members and to victims of both intimate partner violence and human trafficking. Many are desperate to leave their past behind. And helping them get the physical markings of that past – anti-social, gang related, intimate partner violence or sex trafficking victim tattoos – removed can give them a new beginning. These different types of tattoos are common among those who endured child abuse, neglect and other forms of trauma.
An example of a doctor who does it
Take Dr. Clinton Webster of Oklahoma Plastic Surgeons in Oklahoma City as an example. After getting to know a guy with hate-related tattoos who had done some work for him, Webster decided one way to give back to the community was to remove that type of tattoo. He created Erase the Hate, a one-day event in which he begins the tattoo removal process of hate- and gang-related tattoos on a selected number of local residents. After the initial treatment, his office schedules follow-ups to totally remove the tattoos His annual community event first took place in the summer of 2019.
As a result of that event, Webster got a tremendous amount of publicity, with coverage by local TV stations and newspapers. Of course, the real reason to do this is to serve the community, but it never hurts to get a bit of publicity for your business.
Webster’s idea of a single-day event with follow-up could be impactful, especially with additional promotion around August 14 – National Tattoo Removal Day.
You may also want to offer free tattoo removals on a regular basis, possibly setting aside a period each month or working the free tattoo removals into your regular schedule.
Jails to Jobs is happy to give any interested doctor free technical assistance. We also offer our book, Tattoo Removal: Establishing a Free or Low-Cost Community-Based Program, A How-to Guide, free of charge to those interested in exploring the idea. We’re a nonprofit run by volunteers and here to help!
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or to learn how we can assist you in your efforts.